What is the total volume of White Seed to be processed per day ?
100 TPD200 TPD400 TPD600 TPD
How many hours per day will the plant operate ?
8 Hrs.16 Hrs.24 Hrs.
How many days per year will the plant operate ?
306090120150180 Days
How will the seed be delivered to the plant ?
On-line from GinningIn bagsIn bulk
What is the approx. moisture content of the seed when received ?
Less than 6%6-8%More than 8%
What is the approx. percentage of lint on the seed when it is received?
Less than 8%8-9%More than 9%
What is the amount of residual lint desired after delinting?
Less than 4%4%More than 5%
Do you want to produce 1st cut and 2nd cut separately ?
Do you want to bale the linters ?
If yes, do you want to bale 1st cut and 2nd cut separately ?
Do you want to decorticate undelinted (white) seed, partially delinted or fully delinted (3% to 4% residual linters ?
What is the electrical power supply available at plant site ?
380 V, 50 Hz415 V, 50 HzAny other
Do you have oil mill / solvent extraction plant with you to immediately expel / extract oil from meat / kernel. The same is recommended to be processed within 48 hrs. of decorticating ?
If yes the capacity / hr.
500 Kgs/Hr.500-1000 Kgs./Hr.1000-1500 Kgs./Hr.More than 1500 Kgs./Hr.